Thursday, March 24, 2011

Earth Hour 2011: Go Beyond the Hour!

At 8:30pm tomorrow night, Saturday 26 March, lights in more than 130 countries across the planet will switch off for Earth Hour. Earth Hour events are being run around the world - including by students in Morocco, Girl Scouts in America, bank staff in Qatar and researchers in the Antarctic.

This year, Earth Hour is challenging people to go “Beyond the Hour” by committing to actions that will help make the world a better place, and to sharing these actions with the world via messages, pictures and videos online.

We're supporting Earth Hour with the global campaign with a number of Google tools and services, including a YouTube platform to promote the Beyond the Hour campaign and to share our commitments to action beyond the hour with people around the world, and with Google Grants - in-kind advertising for non-profits - to increase awareness fo Earth Hour online.

At Google Australia, we’re also committed to going Beyond the Hour. One area where we are reducing our carbon emissions is by cutting back on use of taxis and petrol-fuelled cars. Instead we're using two iMiev electric vehicles for daily travel and commuting in and around Sydney. Googlers can book these vehicles in our Google Apps Calendar system and travel pollution-free to meetings and events.

Please join us and show your support for Earth Hour by switching off your lights at 8:30 pm tomorrow, Saturday 26 March, and be sure to share your actions Beyond the Hour!

Posted by Justin Baird, Innovationist