Monday, July 23, 2012

We’ve hung out with the PM... who’s next?

On Saturday morning, we woke up, made a cup of tea, turned on the Internet, and tuned in to...Prime Minister Julia Gillard?  The Prime Minister was grilled by ordinary Australians on hot topics like gay marriage, obesity, the digital economy, carbon tax and education.  She joins Barack Obama, Ban Ki-Moon, Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama on the list of world leaders who have participated in Google+ Hangouts, perhaps marking the next chapter in how technology is going to change our expectations for interacting with our leaders.  

If you missed it, you can watch the recording here:

We hope this Hangout has you thinking about all the other people, places, experiences, ideas, and issues that might be fun to explore via Google+ Hangouts.  Particularly since we launched Hangouts On Air (a feature that lets anyone watch your Hangout via video stream as it’s happening, and then records it for later viewing on YouTube), we’ve seen some pretty creative Aussies using Hangouts to feed their passions and:

  • Raise awareness of a cause. The +Catlin Seaview Survey based in Queensland has been holding underwater hangouts in the Great Barrier Reef as a way to raise awareness of their study on the effects of warming sea temperatures. Watch here.
  • Teach. +Chef Hangouts offers cooking classes with dozens of chefs via Hangouts, in the comfort of your own kitchen.  Keep an eye out for classes from Sydney’s +Jackie M and you can learn Malaysian cooking.

These are just a few examples -- it’s been amazing what people have been dreaming up.  When we built Hangouts, we certainly didn’t expect to see Perth’s +Paul Pichugin using it for +Virtual Photowalks down a West Australian beach, helping people with limited mobility to experience, from halfway around the world, an Australian sunrise and real Aussie surfers catching some waves.

Tell us on +Google Australia what types of Hangouts you’d like to see more of -- and tell us who’s been hosting great ones!

Posted by Lucinda Barlow, Head of Marketing, Google Australia & New Zealand